Organization Application Form

We welcome organizations looking to volunteer as a group for CCF. Please remember that we will attempt to locate people in the same area as much as possible, but obviously large groupos will have to be split across different locations.

A four hour shift at CCF followed by an afternoon of shopping, listening eating (and even drinking a little) can be a rewarding group activity as well as a way of participating in a community event.

We also welcome school and scouting organizations as long as they are adequately supervised by adult leaders at all times. We recommend one adult to ten children with a minumum of two adults. All children must be over the age of 12.

Please give us the following information about your group, the expected number of participants, and the volunteer opportunities that you would like to consider.

* Indicates a required input.

Organization Name*

Street *

City *

Contact Person
First Name *

Last Name *

Street *

City *

State *


Home Phone

Work Phone

eMail *

In which area would your group prefer to work - select any two?

You may select your preferred work area, but some areas are more popular than others and we reserve the right to assign returning volunteers first.

First Choice

Second Choice

Please indicate the day and time you would like to work.

Preferred Day

Expected Number

Average age
(if under 21)

Enter any comments you have in the space provided below.

Application submission will take a few seconds, after which you will receive an acknowledgement page.

Please do not hit the submit button more than once - you could end up with twice as many shifts to work!



Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Signup